Tuning Workshop Series
VI-HPS Tuning Workshops are the major training vehicle where around 30 participants receive instruction and guidance applying VI-HPS tools to their own parallel application codes, along with advice for potential corrections and optimizations. Feedback to tools developers also helps direct tools development to user needs, as well as improve tool documentation and ease of use. These workshops of three to five days at HPC centres occur at least twice per year, and are complemented by additional courses and tutorials at conferences, seasonal schools and other invited training events. Training events of individual VI-HPS partners can be found on their own websites.
Coordinated tools training material is available with emphasis on hands-on exercises using VI-HPS tools individually and interoperably. Exercises with example MPI and MPI+OpenMP parallel applications can be configured to run on dedicated HPC compute resources or within the virtual environment provided by a free Linux Live ISO that can be booted and run on an x86_64 notebook or desktop computer.
Upcoming Tuning Workshops
- 46th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop (04 - 06 September 2024 - IT4I, Ostrava, Czech Republic / Hybrid)
Cédric Valensi
Université de Versailles St. Quentin-en-Yvelines
Phone: +33 1 39 25 52 26 / +33 1 77 57 59 36
Email: cedric.valensi@uvsq.fr